Copied from the Continent: Cornish Brie

So, brie, one of France’s most famous cheeses is also made elsewhere. I’ve yet to have the French certified Brie de Meaux and Brie de Melun but I have sampled some of the same style of cheese made here in England.

Yesterday I purchased two varieties of Cornish brie made by Cornish Country Larder: Cornish Organic Brie and St. Endellion (the latter being named after a village in, where else, Cornwall). [Expect a fuller comparison of these two as part of the upcoming second Cheese Corral.]

Brie is the type of cheese that, for me, is best appreciated on it’s own*. It’s apparently quite popular in sandwiches (CCL even market a “sandwich brie“) but I’ve frankly never seen the appeal.

Being a soft and creamy cheese, the feeling of it melting in the mouth is more satisfying than tasting it combined with other flavours. As a bonus, the mould that makes up the rind is edible and adds a little dryness to contrast the moist innards.

Different bries have their own characteristics and on that basis I look forward to sampling some authenticated French brie (from Brie) as well as some brie noir soaked in coffee.

Don’t forget of course that brie is also the cheese name with which it’s probably the easiest to make puns, although not necessarily good ones!

*What cheese isn’t?

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